Mathieu CABOT
Some projects

HUBCAP Fanatic
My work
Type : Rogue Like with a car controller in a post-apocalyptique world.
Duration : 4 Months
Team Scale : 6 people
My roles :
- Game Designer
- Artistic Director
Game designer
QA tester
UX Designer
Artistic Director

Castaway with Michaël Stora
My work
Type : Action-adventure, Narrative, designed to be used to treat depression.
Duration : 1 week
Team Scale : 4 people
My roles :
- Project Vision Holder
- Game Designer
Design gameplay

The Harrel's Manor
JUNE 2021
My work
Type : Tactical RPG, Top down view in with Cthulhu official license.
Duration : 4 Months
Team Scale : 7 people
My roles :
- Producer
- Game Designer
- Artistic Director
Game designer
QA tester
UX Designer
Artistic Director
QA tester volunteer | Ubisoft Annecy

QA Tester at Ubisoft (remote) for an non-annonced project called "Projet U".
Intership Game Design | Maracas Studio

As a game designer, I have worked on two projetcs, respecting client constraints, documenting game design and creating levels.

SEPTEMBER 2023 - JUNE 2025
Master's degree GAME DESIGN - SUPINFOGAME RUBIKA Valenciennes
Technical and demanding, this training simulates a professional studio environment. I learned to create strong interactive experiences through game systems and gameplay mechanics, becoming a true video game architect, covering all aspects of game production (game design, story, programming, marketing, art direction, 3D).

SEPTEMBER 2019 - JUNE 2022
Bachelor’s degree GAME DESIGN - ESMA Rennes
Aiming to be versatile, this training has allowed me to develop my skills in several areas. Namely, video game design, 3D, and work methodologies.

SEPTEMBER 2018 - JUNE 2019
PREPA : Intensive one-year course on CREATION preparing for the French "Grandes Écoles" (the best French and highly selective institutions) - ESAD Orléans
The "École Supérieure d’Art et de Design" in Orléans (ESAD) opened me up to the world of Art and creation in all its forms, enriching my general and artistic culture. Thanks to this training, I was able to liberate myself from certain societal concepts, allowing for greater freedom during the creation phase.

SEPTEMBER 2016 - JUNE 2018
French High School diploma of COMMERCE - With Honours
This Baccalaureate represents the culmination of my high school years and embodies the validation of basic skills in commerce and business management.

SEPTEMBER 2016 - JUNE 2017
The BEP MRCU (Profession of Customer Relations) allowed me to enter the professional world and understand the appropriate posture to have towards customers.
Hard Skills
Soft Skills

Skilled at conceptualizing new game ideas and transforming them into engaging game experiences.

I'm able to adjust variables to achieve a desired experience.
Generalist Game/Level Design
Capable of designing a game as well as iterating on specifc mechanics.
3D modeling, texturing and animation
Mastery of the main creative software: 3ds Max and Zbrush for 3D modeling, and Substance Painter and Alchemist for texturing.

UX Design & Research
Design an intuitive and engaging user experience, while iterating on specific elements to ehance the user's interaction with the game.
Producing, lead and management
Competant in game production, managing project deadlines, able to lead a team to acheve their goals.
- Adaptability
To adapt to changes in creative direction or technical constraints.
- Taking a step back
To avoid biases and judgment errors, which helps in making more informed decisions.
- Handling stress
Remain efficient by managing tight deadlines, team pressure and technical challenges.
- Empathy
To put oneself in the players’ shoes and create tailored gaming experiences, and communicate better with other team members.

Office Suite

Substance Painter


3DS Max




Jira & Confluance

Adobe Suite

Generative AI
My 3D
![]() Menu du jeu Cthulhu | ![]() Bureaubureau style réaliste | ![]() bureaubureau style réaliste |
![]() Medieval_door | ![]() VFXdifférents sortilèges | ![]() transi_anim |
![]() Projet personnage JDRmon personnage dans un JDR avec son amie | ![]() Etagère de cuisinestyle inspiré du jeu Little Nightmare 2 | ![]() PontPont en Low-Poly |
![]() Projet annee 3 10_05_2022 18_45_45_editedmodélisation, texturing, lighting et post effects d'un scene sur Unity (hors personnage) | ![]() Ruines perduArche en pierre | ![]() Table intéractiveprojet étudiant de table interactive destiné a des bars. |
![]() Pont fantasy | ![]() Manoir hantéreproduction du manoir hanté de Disneyland Paris | ![]() Orb |
My personal library

the world leader in the automotive industry, and learn how to apply its principles of scientific management and continuous improvement to your own organization.

Système 1, système 2
How do we make decisions? What guides our preferences and judgments? When should we trust our intuition?

Dans le cerveau du gamer
Our knowledge comes from neuroscience and helps us understand how the brain perceives, processes and retains information.